Domestic violence

Stop violence against us!: summary report: a preliminary national research study into the prevalence and perceptions of Cambodian children to violence
27/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: Little research has been done to explore how violence affects children in Cambodia from their perspective or even...
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Every Girl Counts, Development, Justice and Gender
17/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: World Vision International's submission to the UN Study on Violence against children.pdf:
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Somalia: Fire devastates more than 400 fabricated homes at IDP camp
2/Feb/2006 News
Summary: Four children died and 13 others were seriously wounded when a fire destroyed over 400 hand made homes at an IDP...
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NEPAL: Working with Men and Boys to end Violence against Women and Children (22 December 2005)
17/Ene/2006 News
Summary: Pro Public Nepal, UNIFEM Nepal and Save the Children Sweden, Regional office for South and Central Asia had...
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Pinheiro at British Parliament on Corporal Punishment
13/Dic/2005 News
Summary: As part of a panel discussion organised by the Children are Unbeatable Campaign, the Independent Expert leading...
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Landmark study on domestic violence
30/Nov/2005 Publication
Summary: The first-ever World Health Organization (WHO) study on domestic violence reveals that intimate partner violence...
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ARGENTINA: La violación doméstica de derechos humanos. Un problema de política pública (25 de noviembre del 2005)
28/Nov/2005 News
Summary: Durante décadas, la noción hegemónica sobre derechos humanos suponía que su violación sólo podía efectuarse en el...
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Toolkit for Working with Men and Boys to Prevent Gender-Based Violence
4/Nov/2005 Publication
Summary: This web site is a comprehensive tool kit designed to help you work with men and boys to prevent gender-based...
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Day of General Discussion 2001: Violence Against Children in the Family and in Schools
Vie, 28/09/2001 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The General Discusssions in 2001 will focus on violence suffered by children in the family and in schools. The...
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Eliminating Corporal Punishment – The Way Forward to Constructive Child Discipline
24/Oct/2005 Publication
Summary: This publication provides a comprehensive approach, including the main steps to be considered in the process of...
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