
ARMED CONFLICT: Protecting children in war zones is a moral imperative and legal obligation
19/Jun/2015 News
UN Security Council expands its Children and Armed Conflict Agenda, adding abductions as trigger for inclusion of parties to conflict on the ‘list of shame’.
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CANADA : La Commission Vérité et Réconciliation qualifie de "génocide culturel" la scolarisation forcée des enfants aborigènes
15/Jun/2015 News
Les Canadiens ont pris conscience du désastre causé par la scolarisation forcée de dizaines de milliers d’Amérindiens et d’Inuits de 1870 à 1970.
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CANADA: Forced schooling of aboriginal children was ‘cultural genocide,’ truth commission finds
9/Jun/2015 News
The findings are part of a report documenting widespread physical, cultural and sexual abuse at government-sponsored residential schools run mostly by churches that Indian, Inuit and other indigenous children were forced to attend. 
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ASIA-PACIFIC: Cost of child maltreatment tops $200 billion annually, reports UNICEF
3/Jun/2015 News
Statistics show that failure to prevent violence against children is resulting in serious economic costs to countries, UNICEF warned at the launch of its ‘End Violence against Children’ campaign in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 
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CAMPAIGNING: Joint letter expressing deep concern over Pakistani death row juvenile
8/Mayo/2015 News
CRIN together with other human rights organisations sent a third letter to Pakistan's Federal Minister for Interior to emphasise the need for a fair and transparent inquiry in line with human right standards.
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SOUTH SUDAN: Ratification of UNCRC
6/Mayo/2015 News
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has hailed South Sudan's action to become the 195th country to ratify the Convention on the Right of the Child. 
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NIGERIA : 500 enfants auraient été enlevés par Boko Haram
25/Mar/2015 News
Les terroristes auraient enlevé ces enfants en quittant la ville de Damasak, reprise par les troupes nigériennes et tchadiennes.  
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EGYPT: Student forcibly disappeared in Fayoum
18/Mar/2015 News
Police denies the 17-year-old's detention after he has been arrested in his home.
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