5. Systematic monitoring – data collection and evaluation

Human Rights Council holds panel discussion on violence against children
24/Sep/2014 News
The Human Rights Council held a panel discussion yesterday on "accelerating global efforts to end violence against children".
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ARMED CONFLICT: Security Council told of indiscriminate, brutal killings children face in conflict
9/Sep/2014 News
SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict said that she was appalled by the total disregard for human life shown by extremist armed groups.
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Comité des droits de l’enfant : 67ème session
Lun, 01/09/2014 - 10:00 Event
La 67ème session du Comité des droits de l’enfant se tiendra du 1er au 19 septembre 2014. Le Comité examinera les rapports des Etats suivants : Croatie, Fidji, Hongrie, Maroc, Singapour, Venezuela.
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SYRIA: More than 191,000 people killed in Syria with ‘no end in sight’
27/Ago/2014 News
[22 August 2014] – The number of people killed in Syria is double the number documented a year ago, the United Nations...
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FRANCE : De plus en plus d’enfants SDF trouvent la mort
25/Ago/2014 News
À l’occasion de la publication de son 2e rapport épidémiologique, le collectif des Morts de la rue sonne l’alerte sur les décès des moins de 15 ans.
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MALI: Children paying a high price in ongoing conflict
22/Ago/2014 News
Children accused of being members of armed groups in the conflict in Mali are languishing in adult jails while human rights abuses continue.
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CANADA : Le meurtre d'une jeune Autochtone relance le débat sur une enquête nationale
20/Ago/2014 News
Le meurtre présumé d'une Autochtone de 15 ans a relancé les appels pour une enquête nationale sur la disparition et l'assassinat de femmes des Premières Nations au pays. La Presse Canadienne, 19 août 2014.
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ISREAL-OPT: No Safe Place for the Children Of Gaza
6/Ago/2014 News
[30 July 2014] - Statement by Leila Zerrougui, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed...
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DR CONGO: Impunity leads perpetrators to continue child rights violations
22/Jul/2014 News
21 July 2014 – The recruitment and use of children by armed groups remained endemic in the Democratic Republic of the...
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Syria: Armed Groups Send Children into Battle
24/Jun/2014 News
Non-state armed groups in Syria have used children as young as 15 to fight in battles.
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