
INHUMAN SENTENCING: Life imprisonment of children in the European Union
7/Abr/2014 Publication
A review of life imprisonment of children in the European Union.
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CENSORSHIP: Laws restricting children's access to information
6/Mar/2014 Publication
Information on discriminatory laws defended on grounds of 'child protection'.  
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Global Campaign for Education
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
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Centre Against Abuse "Dardedze"
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
Center Against Abuse „Dardedze” is a non governmental, non profit organization working to prevent child abuse in Latvia...
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International Organization for Adolescents
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
• Help youth escape slavery and exploitation in the United States• Help orphaned youth safely transition to adulthood in...
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Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia - Children`s Rights Department
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
Tiesībsargs - Bērnu tiesību departaments
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Global March Against Child Labour
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
Global March Against Child Labour is an international movement dedicated to giving every child a chance to live and grow...
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Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia - Children`s Rights Department
19/Dic/2013 ENOC member
Tiesībsargs - Bērnu tiesību departaments
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