
GUATEMALA: Children's rights and the Inter-American system
19/Sep/2011 Publication
Summary: This report summarises hearings on children's rights in Guatemala held by the Inter-American Commission, reports...
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GUATEMALA: Children's Ombudsperson
30/Ago/2011 Publication
Summary: Information about institutions in Guatemala that monitor children's rights....
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GUATEMALA: Four soldiers charged with the massacre of 201 peasants, including 100 children
3/Ago/2011 News
Summary: This is a landmark case as it is the first trial in Guatemala against members of the military accused of genocide...
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Guatemala:Former general arrested for genocide
23/Jun/2011 News
Summary: An investigation has begun into retired general Héctor Mario López Fuentes, 81, who was arrested on Friday. He...
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DISCRIMINACIÓN: ONU aprueba “histórica resolución” sobre derechos de homosexuales
20/Jun/2011 News
Summary: El foro de derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas se declaró ayer en contra de la discriminación o violencia...
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