
AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE ET CENTRALE : interdire les châtiments corporels
31/Oct/2014 Publication
Rapport d'étape 2014 suite à l’étude du Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies sur la violence contre les enfants. Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children - Plan International - Save the Children.
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4/Ago/2014 Country
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CDE : entrée en vigueur du mécanisme de plaintes
15/Abr/2014 News
Le nouveau Protocole facultatif à la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant (CDE) permet aux enfants de porter plainte directement auprès du Comité des droits de l'enfant de l'ONU en cas de violation de leurs droits.
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14/Abr/2014 News
Children can now lodge complaints with the UN about violations of their rights.
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Global March Against Child Labour
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
Global March Against Child Labour is an international movement dedicated to giving every child a chance to live and grow...
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Winrock International
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
Winrock works with people around the world to increase economic opportunity, sustain natural resource and protect the...
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International Planned Parenthood Federation
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is working globally to ensure the sexual and reproductive health,...
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Global Campaign for Education
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
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19/Dic/2013 Country
One of the most prosperous countries in Sub Saharan Africa, Gabon sits on the continent’s central West coast, bordered by...
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Africa: Meeting of the African Committee of Experts - a positive step to promote and protect the rights of the African child
28/Nov/2013 News
Summary: Amnesty International commended the commitment shown by those African states that have ratified the African...
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