Czech Republic

Translators Without Borders
10/Nov/2014 Organisation
Translators without Borders facilitates the transfer of knowledge from one...
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Ensemble de règles minima des Nations Unies concernant l'administration de la justice pour mineurs (Règles de Beijing)
Lun, 03/11/2014 - 10:30 Instrument
Adopté par l'Assemblée générale dans sa résolution 40/33 du 29 novembre 1985
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20/Ago/2014 Publication
This directory, assembled by the researchers at CRIN, provides a mapping of legal clinics with a specific focus on...
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4/Ago/2014 Country
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Committee against Torture: 52nd Session
Lun, 28/04/2014 - 09:00 Event
The 52nd Session of the Committee against Torture will take place from 28 April - 23 May 2014. States under review: Cyprus, Holy See, Lithuania, Montenegro, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Uruguay, Guinea  
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INHUMAN SENTENCING: Life imprisonment of children in the European Union
7/Abr/2014 Publication
A review of life imprisonment of children in the European Union.
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CZECH REPUBLIC: Access to justice for children
4/Feb/2014 Publication
This report is part of CRIN's access to justice for children project, looking at the status of the CRC in national law,...
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European Foundation for Street Children Worldwide - EFSCW
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
EFSCW is a non-profit Brussels-based foundation committed to the improvement of the rights and living conditions of...
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Online Safety Institute
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
Online Safet Institue (OSI) is partner of the Czech Safer Internet National Centre. The main objective of the Institute is...
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Dynamo International
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
The social purpose of Dynamo International is development cooperation especially in the fields related to children and...
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