Congo, Democratic Republic of the

AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE ET CENTRALE : interdire les châtiments corporels
31/Oct/2014 Publication
Rapport d'étape 2014 suite à l’étude du Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies sur la violence contre les enfants. Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children - Plan International - Save the Children.
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DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
17/Oct/2014 Publication
A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review...
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RDC : l'ONU réclame la poursuite en justice d'auteurs d'exécutions sommaires
16/Oct/2014 News
Un rapport fait état de 41 victimes, dont quatre enfants, d’atteintes au droit à la vie (exécutions sommaires et extrajudiciaires et disparitions forcées), commises dans le cadre de l’opération « Likofi » à Kinshasa.
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4/Ago/2014 Country
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DR CONGO: Impunity leads perpetrators to continue child rights violations
22/Jul/2014 News
21 July 2014 – The recruitment and use of children by armed groups remained endemic in the Democratic Republic of the...
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INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: ICC gives Congo warlord Germain Katanga 12-year jail term
27/Mayo/2014 News
The International Criminal Court has sentenced ex-Congolese militia leader Germain Katanga to 12 years in prison for aiding and abetting war crimes.
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INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: DR CONGO militia leader appeals ICC conviction
11/Abr/2014 News
[10 April 2014] - The International Criminal Court (ICC) [official website] announced Wednesday that Congolese militia...
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INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: DR CONGO militia leader appeals ICC conviction
11/Abr/2014 News
[10 April 2014] - The International Criminal Court (ICC) [official website] announced Wednesday that Congolese militia...
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