AC International Child Support

Aim is to secure a better and more dignified life for children in especially difficult circumstances around the world.


• Through our long-term development projects. At present we carry out such projects in Ethiopia, Colombia, Bolivia and Nepal

• Through our aid projects in more than 15 countries.

• Through our sponsorship programs through which we are helping more than 1400 children. We have sponsorship programmes in India, Ethiopia, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia.

• Through our international adoptions, placing children from more than 15 countries with Danish adoptive parents. Naturally, we enter into an adoptive placement of a child only, when the individual child’s right to grow up in a family is no longer possible in the child’s home country.

• Through our Post Adoption Service here in Denmark, counseling and supporting adoptive families and adoptees.



Key information

Operation level:
Works with age groups:
Organisation type:


Organisation mandate

CRIN does not accredit or validate any of the organisations listed in our directory. The views and activities of the listed organisations do not necessarily reflect the views or activities of CRIN's coordination team.