Article 40: Administration of juvenile justice

Juvenile Justice: The War Within
26/Mar/2001 Publication
Summary: Mary Hargrove, Linda Satter and...
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Children, Law and Justice: A South Asian Perspective
26/Mar/2001 Publication
The Centres summary of the publication...
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Juvenile Justice
26/Mar/2001 Publication
Innocenti summary of the publication...
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Juvenile Justice
23/Mar/2001 Publication
Summary: This publication is a review of the...
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Child Participation: Challenges of Empowerment
23/Mar/2001 Publication
This discussion paper examines issues relating to the...
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Prison Bound: The Denial of Juvenile Justice in Pakistan
22/Mar/2001 Publication
The report is available at the Human Rights Watch Website:
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Child Witness
22/Mar/2001 Publication
Summary: This is the first book for...
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Globalization of Child Law The Role of the Hague Conventions
22/Mar/2001 Publication
Owner: Sharon Detrick and Paul Vlaardingerbroek
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Nobody's Children - Jamican Children in Police Detention and Government Institutions
22/Mar/2001 Publication
Summary: In the island nation of Jamaica, many...
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