Article 40: Administration of juvenile justice

SIERRA LEONE: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
10/Jun/2013 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: "Legal aid, a right in itself," says UN expert
4/Jun/2013 Publication
Summary: The Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Gabriela Knaul, has urged world governments to...
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UK: Youth offender inmates 'had bones broken by staff'
4/Jun/2013 News
Summary: UK Inspectors found that youth offenders were "exposed to unacceptable levels of violence" at a privately-run...
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MAROC : Enfants dans les centres de sauvegarde : une enfance en danger
21/Mayo/2013 Publication
Summary: Le Conseil National des Droits de l'Homme consacre un rapport à la "situation préoccupante d'un grand nombre d...
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BRESIL : débat autour de l'abaissement de l'âge de la responsabilité pénale
19/Mayo/2013 News
Summary: Au Brésil, la montée de la criminalité chez les mineurs lance un débat national sur l'abaissement de l'âge de la...
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CAR: UN agency ‘condemns in strongest possible terms’ killing of teen linked to rebels
14/Mayo/2013 News
Summary: The United Nations Children’s Fund today condemned in the strongest possible terms the re-recruitment and the...
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UK: UN Committee against Torture presses government on children's rights
9/Mayo/2013 Publication
Summary: The Committee against Torture today concluded its review of the United Kingdom. Corporal punishment, restraining...
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MALDIVES: UN expert calls for abolition of degrading and capital punishment against children
9/Mayo/2013 News
Summary: The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children, Marta Santos...
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UGANDA: A review of law and policy to prevent and remedy violence against children in police and pre-trial detention in Uganda
8/Mayo/2013 Publication
Summary: A recent review of juvenile justice data, made available through the fhri-pri violence against children report ‘a...
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MALDIVES : condamnations à mort prononcées contre deux mineurs
6/Mayo/2013 News
Summary: Les autorités des Maldives doivent commuer les condamnations à la peine capitale prononcées contre deux jeunes...
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