Article 39: Rehabilitative care

15/Ago/2004 News
Summary: Comunicación e Información de la...
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Taller Centroamericano de Pandillas
Lun, 06/09/2004 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Este taller trata la situación de la...
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Acción por los niños
3/Ago/2004 News
Summary: Combina la intervención directa con...
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CRIN-NGO Group Joint Working Paper No. 1: A Profile of National Child Rights Coalitions
1/Jun/2004 Publication
Summary: Findings of the NGO Group for the...
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Help for Children in Distress
19/Mayo/2004 Publication
Summary: This pamphlet is an introduction to the work of Terre des Hommes around the work.
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How to Fight, How to Kill: Child Soldiers in Liberia
11/Feb/2004 Publication
Summary: The report argues that establishing a...
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Courage and Strength - Creative Work with Children
5/Feb/2003 Publication
Summary: Imagination, play & art can help...
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Children, Domestic Violence and Refuges: A study of needs and responses
2/Dic/2002 Publication
Summary: Based on research into current...
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Starting Over: Women and children's experiences of domestic violence outreach services
2/Dic/2002 Publication
Summary: A consultation with women & children...
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