Article 19: Protection from abuse and neglect

A Study of Child Sex Tourism, in the Gambia and the Involvement of Dutch Tourists
5/Mar/2003 Publication
Summary: After reports of sexual abuse of...
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After the Victoria Climbie Inquiry: The Future of Child Protection Policy & Practice
Vie, 28/03/2003 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The report of the Victoria Climbié...
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Corporal Punishment of Children and Change of Attitudes
5/Feb/2003 Publication
Summary: This report forms part of an external...
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5/Feb/2003 Publication
Summary: Children who come to the Centre are...
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The First Anti-Spanking Law in the World
5/Feb/2003 Publication
Summary: In 1979, the International Year of...
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Hitting People is Wrong - and Children are People too
29/Ene/2003 Publication
Summary: End Physical Punishment of Children...
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Second World Congress on Family Violence
Sáb, 21/06/2003 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Congress Theme: Protecting Every...
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Children Living with Domestic Violence
2/Dic/2002 Publication
Summary: First British publication to consider...
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Women's Aid Child Protection Policy
2/Dic/2002 Publication
Summary: Updated in May 2002, this...
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Children, Domestic Violence and Refuges: A study of needs and responses
2/Dic/2002 Publication
Summary: Based on research into current...
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