Article 19: Protection from abuse and neglect

Choose With Care: A Parent’s Guide to Choosing Child Safe Organisations
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This new guide provides parents and carers with information on what to look for in choosing organisations and...
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Bebés y niños/as pequeñas que residen en prisiones
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: Borrador de propuesta - "Pautas sugeridas para la redacción de legislación, reglas, políticas publicas y...
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Babies and Small Children Residing in Prisons
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This study analyses how international human rights standards, in particular the CRC, apply to young children...
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Les bébés et jeunes enfants vivant en prison
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: Projet de lignes directrices pour l’établissement de législation, règles, politiques et programmes concernant les...
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UN Study on Violence Against Children - Call for Action
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: The International Save the Children Alliance is promoting these advocacy messages and recommendations for the...
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What Save the Children thinks about physical and humiliating punishment - Information for children and young people
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: Physical and humiliating punishment is violence against children that is done with the aim of controlling or...
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Good practice guidance for the moderation of interactive services for children
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This guidance has been produced in response to public concern about the safety of children using interactive...
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Guide for NGOs reporting on the implementation of the the Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: Guide for NGOs intending to report on the implementation of the Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Child...
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Compilation of guidelines for interviewing children
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: The following guidelines are for journalists to use when interviewing children. Journalistic activity which...
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Protocol to the Minimum Standards on Consulting with Children
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This is a package known as the ‘Protocol’ is annexed to the Standards that includes guidelines, forms and...
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