Article 13: Freedom of expression

АЗЕРБАЙДЖАН: Наступление на активистов Facebook
17/Abr/2014 News
Многие в Азербайджане лелеяли надежду, что после переизбрания на новый срок в конце 2013 года президент страны Ильхам...
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PARTICIPATION: Yemeni Children's Parliament conducts election
14/Abr/2014 News
The Children's Parliament is the national venue for children to voice their views on issues faced by children in Yemen. Through this body, they can strengthen children’s participation in decision making and advocate strongly for their fundamental rights. 
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КАЗАХСТАН: Операция по задержанию детей вызвала недовольство в обществе
19/Mar/2014 News
Видеосюжет о разгоне ОМОНом жителей комплекса «Махаббат» в Астане, вышедших на акцию протеста вместе с малолетними детьми,...
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GENITAL AUTONOMY: Experts, religious leaders and activists square off at Council of Europe's circumcision debate
29/Ene/2014 News
The debate in Strasbourg, France at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, included medical experts, religious leaders and genital integrity activists. 
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SLOVAKIA: Government approves a new strategy to protect children from violence
24/Ene/2014 News
A new strategy has been approved by the Slovakian state government for tackling violence against children across the country.  
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INDIA: Children present their 'Manifesto' to the state government in Odisha
23/Ene/2014 News
A Children's manifesto, voicing the violations of child rights in the state as well as the country, has been prepared by 50 children from different villages across Odisha and presented to the policy makers of the state.
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YCTV - Youth Culture TV Foundation
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
Young people between the ages of eleven...
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World Vision - Japan
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
World Vision Japan aims to...
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Children's Performing Arts Workshop
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
The objective of the organisation is...
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Youth Media and Communication Initiative
19/Dic/2013 Organisation
YMCI is an international non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation that equips children and youth from 10 to 18 with...
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