
BARBADOS: CRC alternative report on inhuman sentencing of children
30/Jun/2015 Publication
This report was submitted ahead of the the 72nd pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child...
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ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA: CRC alternative report on inhuman sentencing of children
30/Jun/2015 Publication
This report was submitted ahead of the the 72nd pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child...
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SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES: CRC alternative report on inhuman sentencing of children
30/Jun/2015 Publication
This report was submitted ahead of the the 72nd pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child...
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UNITED KINGDOM: CRC alternative report on inhuman sentencing of children
30/Jun/2015 Publication
This report was submitted ahead of the the 72nd pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child...
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NETHERLANDS: Remove age limits on right to die, say paediatricians
30/Jun/2015 News
The Dutch Paediatric Association says the country should follow Belgium in changing law on euthanasia and scrapping age limit for children in unbearable suffering. 
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TRANSPARENCE : l'ONU lance une enquête sur sa gestion de l'affaire de viols en RCA
24/Jun/2015 News
Les Nations unies avaient été vivement critiquées pour leur lenteur à réagir dans l'affaire des 14 soldats français accusés d’abus sexuels sur des enfants.
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VIOLENCE: Gov'ts accused of ‘perpetrating violence against women’
23/Jun/2015 News
ActionAid report says officials are ignoring laws to end violence against women, curbing funding of women’s groups, and failing to defend activists. 
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TRANSPARENCY: Ban appoints panel to investigate UN response to sexual abuse allegations
23/Jun/2015 News
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed a panel to investigate the response of the United Nations to allegations of sexual abuse surrounding a deployment of foreign military forces in the Central African Republic.
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