
IRAQ: Islamic State circulates sex slave price list
5/Aug/2015 News
A printed list of prices for buying and selling women and children as slaves from within the Islamic State has been confirmed as genuine by a senior United Nations official.
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PAKISTAN : Shafqat Hussain a été exécuté
4/Aug/2015 News
Le Pakistan a pendu mardi matin Shafqat Hussain, symbole de l'opposition à la reprise des exécutions au pays car condamné à mort à "l'adolescence", s'indignent ses avocats, et au terme d'une procédure ne respectant pas les "normes internationales" d'après l'ONU.  
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TRANSPARENCY: UN paid millions to Russian aviation firm since learning of sex attack on girl
3/Aug/2015 News
Documents reveal United Nations unit uncovered possible ‘culture of sexual exploitation and abuse’ after 2010 but permitted a Russian aviation company to continue receiving contracts worth millions.
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L'ONU et les enfants dans les conflits armés : petites intrigues politiciennes ?
30/Jul/2015 Publication
Les mécanismes de surveillance et de communication de l'information sur les enfants dans les conflits armés sont censés protéger les plus vulnérables mais certains pays utilisent efficacement leur pouvoir politique pour échapper à tout contrôle.
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CRIN MONITOR: The UN and children in armed conflict: playing politics?
24/Jul/2015 Publication
CRIN and Child Soldiers International joint briefing on the UN Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism on children and armed conflict.  
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MEXICO: Authorities fail to protect children & adults with disabilities from torture, trafficking & segregation
23/Jul/2015 Publication
This report by Disability Rights International focuses on an institution for children and adults with disabilities where sexual abuse, sterilisation, trafficking, inadequate medical care and degrading living conditions are rampant. Yet authorities allow such a place to continue operating without interference. 
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ISRAËL : abus à l'encontre d'enfants palestiniens
21/Jul/2015 News
Un rapport d'Human Rights Watch répertorie des immobilisations par pseudo-étranglement, des passages à tabacs et des interrogatoires coercitifs.
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IRAN: Whereabouts of juvenile offender on death row emerge five months after scheduled execution
21/Jul/2015 News
The whereabouts of Saman Naseem, 21, who was sentenced to death in April 2013 for alleged armed activities against the Revolutionary Guards when he was 17 years old, was unknown for five months. Amnesty International has confirmed his location, alongside news that the Supreme Court has granted him a full retrail. 
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IRAN : Saman Naseem pourrait bénéficier d'un nouveau procès
17/Jul/2015 News
Saman Naseem, condamné à mort en 2013 sur la base de déclarations extorquées sous la torture, avait été transféré à la veille de sa date d'exécution. Son sort était depuis inconnu. On sait aujourd'hui qu'il est toujours en vie, et il pourrait bénéficier d'un nouveau procès.
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UNITED STATES: Massachusetts' highest court defends corporal punishment as 'part of social fabric'
14/Jul/2015 News
The justicies said it's permissible to punish a child by spanking so long as "reasonable" force is used and the child is not harmed in a lasting way. Conversely, they also emphasised the child should be protected from abuse.
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