Education and cultural rights

RÉPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE : les droits de l'enfant dans les rapports des organes de traités de l'ONU
24/Nov/2014 Publication
Résumé : Ce rapport est un extrait des questions liées aux droits de l’enfant dans les rapports des organes des traités et...
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GLOBAL SURVEY: Children say what child rights mean to them
24/Nov/2014 Publication
This research report by the ChildFund Alliance shows the results of a global survey of children aged 10-12 from 44 different countries about their view on children's rights.
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Reports of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association
24/Nov/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights...
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MONITORING: Transparency and accountability in children's rights implementation
20/Nov/2014 News
The WORLD Policy Analysis Center presents its database on States' implementation of the CRC's provisions.   
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KENYA: Nubian children and the struggle for citizenship
20/Nov/2014 Publication
Nubians have lived in Kenya for more than a century, but are not considered Kenyan nationals. As such, they face significant restrictions when it comes to gaining access to basic amenities like health care and education. In the case of Nubian Minors v. Kenya, the second-class status of Nubians in Kenyan society was challenged.
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Millions of Egyptian Children Struggle As Child Labourers
17/Nov/2014 News
“I used to get up at 8 a.m. to go with my father to plant the land and irrigate it at noon, then I went to the field in...
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TURQUIE : manuels scolaires censurés
17/Nov/2014 News
Des images d’appareils génitaux humains ont été remplacés par des images d’ourson et d’animaux dans des livres destinés aux élèves turcs.
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