Civil and political rights

INDONESIE : baisers interdits après 21 heures
7/Oct/2015 News
A Purwakarta, les rendez-vous galants sont interdits après 21 heures. Les jeunes de moins de 17 ans risqueront d'être mariés s’ils n'obtempèrent pas à ce règlement.
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The Year in Children's Rights: CRIN's 2014-15 annual report
6/Oct/2015 Publication
CRIN’s annual report wastes no time regurgitating blurb about who we are and what we do. Instead, we present a global picture of children’s rights, wrapping up the past year’s new or persisting issues around the world. 
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PAKISTAN: Man initially arrested as a teenager faces execution
28/Sep/2015 News
Pakistani authorities are set to hang a man who says he was 15 when arrested for a murder he says he did not commit, lawyers have said.
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ARABIE SAOUDITE : exécution imminente d'Ali al-Nimr
24/Sep/2015 News
L'Arabie saoudite pourrait exécuter jeudi 24 septembre Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, un jeune homme de 21 ans, arrêté pour avoir manifesté contre le régime alors qu'il était encore mineur.
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Making Rights Real for Children: A Children’s Rights Audit of Irish Law
21/Sep/2015 Publication
'Making Rights Real for Children: A Children’s Rights Audit of Irish Law' takes stock of Irish law and its capacity to...
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UNITED STATES: Department of Labor sues Mormon sect $1.9m for oppressive child labour practices
11/Sep/2015 News
A multi-year investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor revealed that the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints employed young children illegally to harvest pecans.  
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DISCRIMINATION: Youth curfews and children's rights
8/Sep/2015 Publication
Summertime for children is not just about having time off school, staying up late and playing outside; it also comes with...
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EUROPE: The truth about refugees
3/Sep/2015 News
An Amnesty International briefing on the refugee crisis in Europe.
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Редакционная статья CRIN "Комендантский час и права детей"
3/Sep/2015 Publication
Летнее время для детей это не только отдых от школы, когда можно оставаться до вечера на улице; оно также ассоциируется с...
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