Individual cases of violations

MALDIVES : condamnations à mort prononcées contre deux mineurs
6/May/2013 News
Summary: Les autorités des Maldives doivent commuer les condamnations à la peine capitale prononcées contre deux jeunes...
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UNITED STATES: Progress required to tackle adverse impacts of business, say UN experts
2/May/2013 News
Summary: The United States still faces significant challenges to address the adverse impacts of business activities on...
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SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Regional meetings held further to landmark UN resolution
2/May/2013 News
Summary: Since the adoption of the 2011 UN resolution on sexual orientation and gender identity, a series of regional...
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KYRGYZSTAN: Vulnerable children still at risk of exploitation, says UN expert
30/Apr/2013 News
Summary: “The full extent of the sale and sexual exploitation of children in the Kyrgyz Republic remains unknown, due to...
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CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: UN report on reprisals against rights defenders
29/Apr/2013 News
Summary: This is your chance to contribute to a UN report on reprisals against human rights defenders cooperating with the...
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UNITED KINGDOM: Human trafficking victims tell of drug factory ordeal
9/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Call to protect those forced into crime after being held prisoner on UK cannabis farms...
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SAUDI ARABIA: Paralysis sentence 'grotesque', says UK Foreign Office
4/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Punishment handed down to Ali al-Khawahir for stabbing he committed aged 14 must not be carried out, urge British...
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MAROC : Enfants domestiques "martyres de l’indifférence"
3/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Au Maroc, près de 10% des enfants de 5 à 14 ans travaillent pour faire vivre leur famille et 30’000 sont employés...
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Human Rights Council - Session 22
Mon, 25/02/2013 - 00:00 Event
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