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Universal Periodic Review - Session 22
Wed, 01/04/2015 - 01:00 Event
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Universal Periodic Review - Session 21
Thu, 01/01/2015 - 01:00 Event
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ARGENTINA: Teenager who spent nine years locked in a garage rescued
17/Apr/2014 News
A 15-year-old girl has been rescued in Argentina after being nearly starved and beaten in a garage by an adoptive family for nine years.
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CDE : entrée en vigueur du mécanisme de plaintes
15/Apr/2014 News
Le nouveau Protocole facultatif à la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant (CDE) permet aux enfants de porter plainte directement auprès du Comité des droits de l'enfant de l'ONU en cas de violation de leurs droits.
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UNITED KINGDOM: Children’s charity condemns High Court’s anonymity cut-off
14/Apr/2014 News
Children formerly involved in court proceedings may be named by the media once they are 18, the UK's High Court has ruled.
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14/Apr/2014 News
Children can now lodge complaints with the UN about violations of their rights.
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FRANCE: Unaccompanied Children Detained at Borders
11/Apr/2014 News
As many as 500 children who arrive alone each year in transit zones at the borders detained by authorities, according to Human Rights Watch research.
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SANTA SEDE: El abuso sexual de niños - informe
10/Apr/2014 Publication
En el informe preliminar publicado por CRIN se traza un mapa a escala mundial del abuso sexual de niños en la Iglesia Católica. 
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Universal Periodic Review - Session 19
Mon, 28/04/2014 - 01:00 Event
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