NGO - non governmental organisation

Internationaler Sozialdienst SSI
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
SSI acts for children and families involved in social or legal problems in an international context.SSI
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Mahila Rural Development Youth Society
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
Implements social services to those...
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Asociatia Non Profit
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
Promoting, observing and protecting child rights, especially the right to instruction and education for life, by...
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Organization for Socio-Economic Development
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
Recognising that the progress of...
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Visakha Rural Development Society
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
As part of its Women and Child...
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National Children's and Youth Law Centre
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
Dedicated to representing the rights and interests of children and young people in Australia.Our main focus is in advocacy...
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Society for the Empowerment of People
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
STEP believes that child rights should be available and ccessible to every child. STEP imparts education and advocacy...
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Winrock International
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
Winrock works with people around the world to increase economic opportunity, sustain natural resource and protect the...
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Terre des Hommes - Germany
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
An Aid organisation that focuses on...
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