CRC news

DAY OF GENERAL DISCUSSION: Children without Parental Care (20 September 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: The Day of General Discussion on Children without Parental Care took place last Friday at the Office of the High...
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TREATY BODY REFORM: Letter to Louise Arbour (30 November 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: Over the last 2 years, the UNSG made numerous requests for treaty bodies to consolidate their work. In May 03,...
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CHILDREN AND VIOLENCE UPDATE: The Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children (24 October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: This latest update contains items on the Progress Report presented by Pinheiro at the General Assembly, a side...
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UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005: Side Event on Ending Corporal Punishment (18 October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: Summary of the panel discussion on ending corporal punishment of children that took place at the 60th session of...
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UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005: European Union Focus on Armed Conflict and HIV/AIDS (18 October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: Statement delivered by the EU Presidency on item 67, The Rights of the Child at the Third Committee, 60th Session...
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UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005: Children’s Rights at the 60th session (17 October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: [NEW YORK, 14 September] – During the 60th Session of the UN General Assembly taking place at the UN Headquarters...
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UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005: Corporal Punishment Briefing (17 October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: Worldwide progress towards eliminating corporal punishment: all regions support action to end legalised violence...
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UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005: Ban legalised violence against children - Save the Children (17 October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: The International Save the Children Alliance presents its global submission to the UN Study on Violence Against...
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UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005: Child Rights at the UN General Assembly - 60th Session (October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: Item 69 of the General Assembly 60th Session will hear updates from the Special Representative for Children and...
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UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005: Documents submitted to the General Assembly by OHCHR (14 October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: List of documentation submitted by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Third Committee at...
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