Submitted by crinadmin on
The percentage of runaway children from homes jumps up to
9.41 % at the age of 12 and its goes up higher. In the age of 16
it becomes 19.31 % and it declines to 8.91 % at the age of 18.
The factors of running away of children have been categorized
as under;
Parents attitude and Domestic Environment
(36.44 % )
Schools Environment
(25.10 % )
Bad Company of children
(15.99 % )
Armed Conflicts
( 06.68 %)
Poverty and search for employment
( 05.87% )
The issues of running away of Girl Children
( 02.43% )
40.84 % of parents were of the view that their attitude
towards their children was good but children (57.58 %),
Neighbors (50.99%) and Teachers (51.73 %) expressed their
concerns about the attitude of the parents towards their children.
36.64 % of run away children were engaged in works such
that labor, shoe polishing, selling newspapers, carpets weaving
or at hotels and shops and Transport.
222 out of 404 children (54.95 %) were brought back to
homes, while 182 (45.05 %) did not come to home.
Problems faced to Runaway children:
- Social and Economic problems such that Lack of Shelter, Food,
Clothes, Money and Basic needs.
(47.90 %)
- Adopting bad ways and to become a part of bad companies/
Falling a prey to gangs of smugglers, Terrorists, thieves/dacoits
and drugs mafia.
(20.35 %)
- Threats of Physical and sexual abuse. (14.45 %)
- Child labor, less wages and handwork. (05.63 %)