Child Labour and Human Rights

Summary: Collection of essays on child labour, developed
under contract with the US Departmeent of
Labour (USDOL).


The International Labor Organisation estimated in 2000 that, of the approximately 246 million children engaged in labour worldwide, 171 million were working in situations harmful to their development. Child Labour and Human Rights provides a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of child labour from a human rights perspective.

The authors consider the connections between human rights and abusive child labour, the pros and cons of a rights-based approach to the problem, and specific strategies for effecting change. They make an indispensable contribution to the growing effort to abolish abusive and exploitive child labour practices.

Burns H. Weston is Bessie Dutton Murray Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of Iowa and senior scholar at the university's Centre for Human Rights. His numerous books in the field of human rights include "Human Rights in the World Community: Issues and Action" and "The Future of International Human Rights"; he is also coeditor of the award-winning "International Law and World Order: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook".




Introduction —B.H. Weston




Rethinking Child Labour: A Multidimensional Human Rights Problem — B.H. Weston and M.B. Teerink.

Defining Child Labour as if Human Rights Matter — J. Ennew, W.E. Myers, and D. Plateau.

Child Labour and Human Rights: Lessons in History — H. Cunningham and S. Stromquist.




Child Labour Standards: From Treaties to Labels — H. Cullen.

Translating Standards into Practice: Confronting Transnational Barriers — S.L. Bachman.

Translating Standards into Practice: Confronting Local Barriers — M.F.C. Bourdillon.




Combating Child Labour in Tanzania: A Beginning —D. Mmari.

Combating Child Labour in the Philippines: Listening to Children —V.V. Rialp.

Combating Child Labour in Brazil: Social Movements in Action —M.B. Rodrigues dos Santos.




Abolishing Child Labour: A Multifaceted Human Rights Solution —B.H. Weston and M.B. Teerink.

Conceiving Child Labour in Human Rights Terms: Can It Mobilise Progressive Change? — D.M. Post.

Working Children as Change Makers: Reflections from the South — V. Karunan.

Shifting Views on Child Labour: The Practice of IGOs — B. White.

NGOs in the Struggle Against Child Labour — L.S. Wiseberg.

Earning and Learning: Tensions and Compatability — S.L. Bissell.

Trade-Based Strategies to Combat Child Labour — F.J. Garcia and S. Jun.




Bringing Human Rights to Child Labour: Guiding Principles and a Call To Action.




Owner: Burns H. Weston



    Please note that these reports are hosted by CRIN as a resource for Child Rights campaigners, researchers and other interested parties. Unless otherwise stated, they are not the work of CRIN and their inclusion in our database does not necessarily signify endorsement or agreement with their content by CRIN.