INDIA: Delhi state to develop trafficking guidelines

The state government of Delhi has told the High Court of Delhi that to curb trafficking, especially domestic child labour, and to reign in the placement agencies mushrooming in the capital, the government will create a high level committee to draft guidelines for the prevention of trafficking and forced labour.

Hearing a petition filed Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA), the court accepted the government’s submission and has granted the government  four weeks to draft the guidelines.

Since the rescue of 35 girls from placement agencies on 13 January 2009 by BBA and the subsequent inaction by Delhi police, the issue of trafficking for forced labour, especially domestic servitude, has been on the social, political and judicial agenda.

The court also raised concerns about the rehabilitation of rescued child labourers and emphasised the need to train Judges on child rights and child labour related offences.

A division bench comprising of Chief justice Shri A. P. Shah and Justice Shri Sanjeev Khanna also ordered the immediate enactment of the protocol on rescue, repatriation and rehabilitation of child labourers.

BBA said the judicial intervention would go a long way in helping to combat trafficking for forced labour in the capital, and shall also act as a precedent to be followed throughout the country.

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