Briefing I: Children before choice (10 July 2005)

Summary: Briefing 1, submitted for the Sixth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee.

CSIE’s detailed arguments for removing the choice of segregated ‘special’ education from the Convention as proposed in the current draft by the Working Group to the Ad Hoc Committee have been presented in earlier briefings and are available at under NGO documents for the third, fourth and fifth sessions of the Committee and also on the CSIE website at These arguments take account of research findings on the damage to individuals and society caused by segregation and the feasibility of developing education for all which removes barriers to participation and individualises learning through necessary supports and adjustments in mainstream settings. The CSIE arguments also demonstrate why the Convention must avoid putting Governments in the self-defeating position of having to provide incompatible systems of both separate ‘special’ and inclusive education. Some examples of inclusive education from around the world are provided in CSIE Briefing (2) July 2005, ‘A Worldwide Movement’.

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