AUSTRALIA: Move to ban corporal punishment in schools in South Australia

The South Australian government will move to ban physical punishment of school students, conceding it is still technically lawful.

Education Minister Jane Lomax-Smith said corporal punishment ceased in government schools in 1991 and a significant majority of non-government schools have also prohibited the practice.

"However, we want to make sure this practice absolutely has no place in any South Australian school, now or in the future," Ms Lomax-Smith said.

"South Australia remains one of only two jurisdictions where corporal punishment is still technically lawful in both government and non-government schools.

"The use of corporal punishment in today's schools is considered unacceptable under the most broadly-accepted international and national standards of human rights."

The move to ban the practice in SA is included in a discussion paper outlining possible changes to the 1972 Education Act.

Individuals and organisations have until December 5 to make comment.

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