Regional Training course for Young Human & Children's Rights Defenders. 25-30 March 2005

Summary: The Training aims: to promote the
understanding of international human and
children's rights protection mechanisms and
tools to NGOs in CIS region; to promote their
access to these international human and
children's rights mechanisms through

Objectives of the Training are:

- To provide youth organisations in CIS region with the information on
international human rights mechanisms, including youth of UN and COE,
like treaty bodies and special rapporteurs, experts groups;

- To provide the youth NGOs with the guidelines of preparing the Shadow
or Alternative NGO Reports to treaty bodies of UN and its Human rights,
child rights committees, committees against tortures, CEDAW, etc.;

- To provide the youth organisations with skills on networking,
coalition building and best work practices that is essential for the
preparation of NGOs reports to the international human rights mechanisms
which should reflect the opinion of as many NGOs as possible;

- To provide the Youth NGOs with the relevant expertise and best
practices from invited representatives from western European countries
who would serve as trainers and as participants to share their skills
and knowledge with participants from CIS region.

Association: Baku International



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