1. To interact with streetchildren so that they can be understood and supported 2. To assist those children who choose to get off the street 3. To create general awareness about the plight of street childrenCAS has 6 departments namely:Fieldwork...
Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged outside of the country. Now with nearly 56 years of experience, CRS is operating in 82 countries. CRS operated in Albania...
Misión: Ofrecer oportunidades de desarrollo alos niÑos, niÑas, y adolescentes en condición de pobreza, especialmente a aquellos que generan ingrosos a sus familiaras a través de servicios de salud, nutrición, educación, recreación, orientatión y...
Casa Alianza aims: to provide residential and non-residential homes for street children between the ages of zero and 18; to prepare them with job and life skills for the future; to be an advocate for street children, trying to change the reality...
This organization runs a clinic that
provides legal representation for low-
income children and youth under the
age of 18 years in the Metropolitan
Toronto area. It also has a policy
committee that monitors and
responds to existing and proposed...
CICH is a national multi-disciplinary, non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of the health and well-being of Canadian children through consultation, collaboration, research and advocacy, by building alliances and coalitions and by...
CYP aims to offer services to all
young people in Edinburgh between
the ages of 5 - 21 years through the
provision of open youth clubs,
activity groups, single sex work and
work aimed secifically at young
people who may be experiencing...
Callan Services is involved in the
training of personnel to work with
the physically disabled, visual and
hearing impaired, mentally
handicapped and the socially
disadvantaged and to work in the
area of hygiene and preventative
health care...
The aim of CCPCR is to save and
protect the children from human
trafficking and from sexual and
physical abuse. The main activities
include: prevention programme;
research, investigation and rescue of
children from sex industries;