State neglect

INDIA: The state of juvenile justice in Karnataka
12/Apr/2012 News
Summary: The report documents the inadequate living conditions within the prisons, the inadequate provision of food, the...
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INTER-AMERICAN COMMISSION: Report on session 144
11/Apr/2012 Publication
Summary: Children's rights featured in hearings on human rights defenders, discrimination against indigenous peoples,...
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AFGHANISTAN: '"I Had to Run Away": Women and Girls Imprisoned for "Moral Crimes" in Afghanistan'
29/Mar/2012 Publication
Summary: These “crimes” usually involve flight from unlawful forced marriage or domestic violence. Some women and girls...
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Safeguarding Children in Detention: Independent Monitoring Mechanisms for children in detention in MENA
28/Mar/2012 Publication
Summary: This Handbook examines how national-level independent monitoring mechanisms can help respect, protect and fulfil...
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АЗЕРБАЙДЖАН: выселения в рамках обновления архитектурного облика
5/Mar/2012 News
Summary: AZERBAIJAN: Homeowners Evicted for City Beautification (Russian)...
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AUSTRALIA: Scientology's child labour camp exposed
22/Feb/2012 News
Summary: In the middle of suburban Australia is a secret compound that is labelled as 'degrading' and 'inhumane', with...
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CANADA: Judge weighs native child welfare's fate
16/Feb/2012 News
Summary: Complainants allege that the government is racially discriminating against First Nations children on reserve by...
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SOUTH AFRICA: Stigmatising pregnant schoolgirls
24/Jan/2012 News
Summary: Critics of cash "responsibility awards", which were given to schoolgirls in the province of the Western Cape who...
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