State neglect

AUSTRALIA: Plans to send asylum-seeking children to Malaysia
3/Jun/2011 News
Summary: The measure has been criticised by various organisations and individuals as being negligent to the needs of...
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HOLY SEE: Pope's new guidelines on child abuse 'are meaningless'
18/May/2011 News
Summary: The new guidelines aim to protect minors from abuse and help victims find assistance and reconciliation. Yet...
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UNITED KINGDOM: Faith schools are failing to challenge 'endemic' homophobia, teachers say
17/May/2011 News
Summary: The Catholic Church has already openly criticised the nationally agreed code of conduct for teachers that...
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UNITED KINGDOM: Increase in child victims of domestic violence
28/Apr/2011 News
Summary: Figures have shown that the number of young children suffering serious violence has increased by a fifth in just...
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INDIA: 891 children missing from juvenile homes
15/Apr/2011 News
Summary: At least 891 children has gone missing from state-run children's homes in the state of Karnataka, strengthening...
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IRELAND: Child rights referendum to be held & child welfare agency to be set up
14/Mar/2011 News
Summary: Priorities for the child rights referendum would include child welfare and protection and early intervention of...
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