Sexual exploitation

UK: Minister urges world to tackle child marriage in same way as FGM
6/Mar/2014 News
International Development Minister Justine Greening calls on leaders and campaigners to tackle child marriage, in a similar global effort to that against FGM.
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SEXUAL VIOLENCE: UN, African Union sign landmark agreement to curb sexual violence in African countries
4/Mar/2014 News
The United Nations and the African Union (AU) affirmed their common commitment “to put an end to history’s oldest and least condemned crime” by signing landmark agreement on the prevention of and response to conflict-related sexual violence in Africa, a senior UN official today said.
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SEXUAL VIOLENCE: UN, African Union sign landmark agreement to curb sexual violence in African countries
19/Feb/2014 News
A landmark agreement has been signed between the UN and the African Union to combat sexual violence in war in Africa. 
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DR CONGO: Warlord Ntaganda tried for ethnic crimes and using child soldiers
12/Feb/2014 News
Former warlord Bosco Ntaganda played a “key role” in ethnic crimes in the Democratic Republic of Congo, using child soldiers and capturing sex slaves for his rebel army, the International Criminal Court has heard.
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Commentary: No Jurisdiction of the Holy See over the Catholic Church?
10/Feb/2014 News
This commentary notes how the Holy See has disregarded the rights of victims of sexual abuse by clerics and its mandatory reporting duties to UN bodies, and has been written to coincide with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child's recent review of the Holy See.
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La ONU acusa al Vaticano de encubrir los abusos y exige que entregue a los curas pederastas
6/Feb/2014 News
El Comité para los Derechos del Niño de las Naciones Unidas acusa al Vaticano de encubrir los casos de abusos sexuales a...
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HOLY SEE: UN rebukes State on child sexual abuse
5/Feb/2014 News
The Committee on the Rights of the Child has released its concluding observations on the Holy See’s review.  
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Los abusos sexuales de niños no tienen justificación, afirma el Vaticano
30/Jan/2014 News
El Estado del Vaticano rindió hoy cuentas ante el Comité de la ONU sobre los Derechos del Niño de su gestión del escándalo...
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UNITED KINGDOM: ‘Half measures’ for child trafficking victims criticised
28/Jan/2014 News
ECPAT UK warns personal advocate system for child victims of trafficking will lack the legal authority to make a real difference.
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