Refugee and unaccompanied children

Union Européenne : harmonisation du droit d'asile
14/Jun/2013 News
Summary: Le Parlement Européen a voté un texte prévoyant la mise en place d'un régime commun européen d'asile. Les mesures...
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ZAMBIA: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
11/Jun/2013 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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BRAZIL: Children's Rights in the UN Special Procedures' Reports
11/Jun/2013 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of the UN Special Procedures. This does...
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OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES: Children's Rights in the UN Special Procedures' Reports
11/Jun/2013 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of the UN Special Procedures. This does...
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SYRIE : nés dans la crise
7/Jun/2013 News
Summary: En Syrie, lorsque le personnel du Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population (UNFPA) interroge les femmes, dont...
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SYRIA: “New levels of brutality” in Syria, including children’s rights abuses, finds new UN report (Arabic)
7/Jun/2013 News
Summary: وفقا لتقرير للأمم المتحدة صدر الاسبوع الحالي، لا يزال الأطفال في سوريا يتعرضون لانتهاكات خطيرة لحق "مستويات جديدة...
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RUSSIA: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
7/Jun/2013 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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SENEGAL: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
6/Jun/2013 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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Report of the Independent International Commiss ion of Inquiry on the Syria n Arab Republic (Arabic)
5/Jun/2013 Publication
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