Emergency relief

EMERGENCIES: UN declares famine in two regions of southern Somalia
22/Jul/2011 News
Summary: Famine is declared when acute malnutrition rates among children exceed 30 per cent, more than two people per...
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SOMALIA: ONU declara hambruna y solicita fondos para asistencia
21/Jul/2011 News
Summary: Según la ONU, una hambruna se declara técnicamente cuando la tasa de desnutrición aguda entre los niños excede el...
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UNIVERSAL PERIODIC REVIEW (UPR): Schedule for 2nd cycle announced
18/Jul/2011 News
Summary: The schedule for the 2nd cycle of reviews has been released, with the first set of States due to be reviewed at...
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CUERNO DE ÁFRICA: Peligra la vida de dos millones de niños africanos, asegura UNICEF
15/Jul/2011 News
Summary: La vida de más de dos millones de niños se encuentra amenazada a causa de la malnutrición en África. ...
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HORN OF AFRICA: Number of refugees soar, with malnutrition three times the emergency level
15/Jul/2011 News
Summary: Humanitarian camps in Kenya attending to thousands of Somali refugees fleeing the worst drought in the region in...
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HORN OF AFRICA: Two-million children malnourished, 500,000 at risk of dying
14/Jul/2011 News
Summary: Although the international community responds to sudden crises, “unfortunately, ‘slow-onset’ humanitarian crises,...
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SOMALIA: "I watched four of my children die of hunger"
7/Jul/2011 News
Summary: The testimony of a refugee Somali women who lost four of her children to starvation. ...
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HORN OF AFRICA: UN Refugee Agency concerned about malnutrition among thousands of refugees
7/Jul/2011 News
Summary: The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) has expressed serious concern about the “unprecedented levels of malnutrition”...
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