7. Education, training and awareness-raising on the CRC

ALGERIA: Briefing on Child Rights in 3rd and 4th State Party Report to the African Commission
26/Nov/2007 Publication
Summary: States Parties to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights must submit reports about their progress in...
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SWEDEN: Health care and children's rights
5/Oct/2007 Publication
Summary: Speech on Health Care 2005, The children's Ombudsman of Sweden, Ms Lena NybergOwner: Ombudsman for Children and...
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PARTICIPATION: Talking with Children and Young People
5/Oct/2007 Publication
Summary: Broschure on the right to be heard not only in child-custody cases, criminal cases, and asylum applications, but...
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SWEDEN: Prepared for Audits: the CRC as a tool for auditors
5/Oct/2007 Publication
Summary: The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as a tool for auditors in local authorities, county councils and...
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Corporal Punishment (Speech)
3/Oct/2007 Publication
Summary: Speech on corporal punishment 2006, The Children's Ombudsman of Sweden, Ms Lena NybergOwner: Ombudsman for...
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Juvenile Justice (Speech)
3/Oct/2007 Publication
Summary: Juvenile Justice (Speech), 2006, The Children's Ombudsman in Sweden, Ms Lena NybergOwner: Ombudsman for Children...
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Catalonia: ENOC Country Update 2006
31/Jul/2007 Publication
Summary: Annual Report of the Deputy Ombudsman for Children of Catalonia (Spain) presented at the annual meeting of ENOC...
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Child and Family Law - the Year in Review
Mon, 10/09/2007 - 00:00 Event
Summary: 3 hour evening seminars ideal for family law solicitors, to make sure you are up to date with what's new in the...
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