7. Education, training and awareness-raising on the CRC

UN: Committee on Rights of Child GA Report 2008
8/Oct/2008 Publication
Summary: Annual report submitted by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child to the 63rd session of the General...
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COUNCIL OF EUROPE: Raise your hand against smacking!
Sun, 15/06/2008 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The Council of Europe is launching its Europe-wide initiative against corporal punishment of children. This event...
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EDUCATION: Deprived Children and Education: Ghana
28/Apr/2008 Publication
In January 2006 Irewoc started a child-based research project on deprived children and education in which the focus is on...
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EDUCATION: Deprived Children and Education: Burkina Faso
25/Apr/2008 Publication
Summary: In January 2006 Irewoc started a child-based research project on deprived children and education in which the...
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EDUCATION: Deprived Children and Education: Ethiopia
25/Apr/2008 Publication
Summary: In January 2006 Irewoc started a child-based research project on deprived children and education in which the...
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EDUCATION: Deprived Children and Education: Kenya
25/Apr/2008 Publication
Summary: In January 2006 Irewoc started a child-based research project on deprived children and education in which the...
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EDUCATION: Deprived Children and Education: Nepal
6/Mar/2008 Publication
Owner: International Research on Working Children - IREWOCpdf: http://www.crin.org/docs/Nepal_Education.pdf
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INDIA: Summer coaching classes
Mon, 21/04/2008 - 00:00 Event
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NORUEGA: la Iglesia apoya una revisión del concepto bíblico de castigo corporal
13/Feb/2008 News
[22 de enero 2007] - Expresiones arcaicas que se utilizan para justificar el castigo corporal a los niños van a ser...
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