Article 6: Survival and development

BAHRAIN: Report of the Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children
1/Nov/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
Below is a short summary of some of the key issues from report by the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons,...
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ROMANIA: Record million-euro payout for child AIDS victim
30/Oct/2014 News
Romanian woman who contracted HIV as a baby in hospital in 1990 will receive one million euros in compensation after a landmark court decision in the country with Europe's highest number of child AIDS victims.
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Short guide to General Comment No.1 on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
30/Oct/2014 Publication
Penal Reform International has produced a short guide to General Comment no. 1 on children of incarcerated and imprisoned parents and primary caregivers.
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Going Hungry? The Human Right to Food in the UK
30/Oct/2014 Publication
This report analyses state action and assesses the UK’s compliance with the duty to secure the human right to adequate food.
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LIBERTÉ D'EXPRESSION : le rapporteur spécial de l'ONU publie un rapport sur la liberté d'expression des enfants
29/Oct/2014 Publication
Ce rapport examine le droit des enfants à la liberté d'expression et à l'accès à l'information, en s'inquiétant de l’adoption de différentes mesures de restriction de l’information au nom de la soi-disant protection des enfants.
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FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION: Child rights-focused report by the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression
28/Oct/2014 Publication
The report examines children’s right to freedom of expression and access to information, while noting with concern the adoption of various restrictive measures allegedly aimed at protecting children from harmful information. 
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CALL TO ACTION: Sign joint letter urging stronger child rights protections in World Bank safeguards
28/Oct/2014 News
Call to support the strengthening of child rights protections in World Bank safeguards. The deadline for signing the joint letter is Friday, 31 October 2014. 
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PORTUGAL : Les enfants, premières victimes de la crise
28/Oct/2014 News
L'Unicef estime qu'au total, 31 % des familles nombreuses et 41 % des familles monoparentales vivaient en 2011 en dessous du seuil de pauvreté, avec un revenu mensuel inférieur à 416 euros par personne. Le Monde, 27 octobre 2014.
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MIGRATION: Migrant detention "abuse" can scar children for life
27/Oct/2014 News
Increasing number of migrant children are being detained in countries where they are seeking asylum despite scientific evidence that such incarceration leads to long-term psychological and developmental difficulties.
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CAMBODIA: UN-backed report reveals scope of violence against children
27/Oct/2014 News
UN-backed survey reveals that 50% of Cambodian children have experienced at least one form of violence before the age of 18, and  about 25% have been emotionally abused.
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