Article 6: Survival and development

REPORT: How inequalities develop through childhood
20/Feb/2015 Publication
This piece of research takes evidence from a cohort study to reveal how structural inequalities impact children's lives.
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JUVENILE JUSTICE: The 'minimum age' debate - separating 'responsibility' from 'criminalisation'
19/Feb/2015 Publication
Speech given by Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Independent Expert who led the UN Secretary General’s Study on Violence against...
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JUVENILE JUSTICE: 'It’s not child-friendly to make children criminals'
19/Feb/2015 Publication
Speech given by Peter Newell, Coordinator for the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children and member...
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EBOLA: World Health Organization calls for special care for children with ebola to address high mortality rate
17/Feb/2015 News
Experts discuss lifting the 'no touch' policy for Ebola patients to tackle the high mortality rate of 80 percent for children under five years due to lack of care.
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AUSTRALIA: 'The Forgotten Children - national inquiry into children in immigration detention'
13/Feb/2015 Publication
This report by the Australian Human Rights Commission shows evidence of how immigration detention is harming children's mental and physical health. 
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REPORT: African children subject to 'alarming' levels of violence
12/Feb/2015 Publication
This report by the African Child Policy Forum shows that children across Africa face unacceptably high levels of physical, sexual and emotional violence at home, at school and in the streets.
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CHILD LABOUR: Child domestic workers - the dawn of a new Convention?
11/Feb/2015 Publication
Menu: Introduction | Call for Action | UN Committee on Migrant Workers | Violations of the rights of child domestic...
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GABON: Droits de l'enfant dans les organes des traités de l'ONU
11/Feb/2015 Publication
Résumé: Ce rapport est un extrait des questions liées aux droits de l’enfant dans les rapports des organes de traités et...
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DJIBOUTI: Droits de l'enfants dans les organes des traités de l'ONU
11/Feb/2015 Publication
Résumé: Ce rapport est un extrait des questions liées aux droits de l’enfant dans les rapports des organes de traités et...
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NIGERIA: Los niños pierden sus vidas, sus casas y sus escuelas
5/Feb/2015 News
Casi un millón de personas han huido de sus casas en Nigeria a causa de la violencia que afecta a la zona norte del país, y más de 135.000 han buscado refugio en Camerún, Chad y Níger.
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