Article 4: Implementation of rights

BAHRAIN: Report of the Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children
1/Nov/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
Below is a short summary of some of the key issues from report by the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons,...
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ROMANIA: Record million-euro payout for child AIDS victim
30/Oct/2014 News
Romanian woman who contracted HIV as a baby in hospital in 1990 will receive one million euros in compensation after a landmark court decision in the country with Europe's highest number of child AIDS victims.
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JAPAN: Child sex abuse victims face hurdles seeking redress in court
30/Oct/2014 News
Court awards compensation to victim of child sexual abuse despite expiry of statute of limitations.
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USA: Judge approves landmark settlement in Minnesota Catholic church abuse case
30/Oct/2014 News
Catholic church leaders accused of creating public nuisance.
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Short guide to General Comment No.1 on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
30/Oct/2014 Publication
Penal Reform International has produced a short guide to General Comment no. 1 on children of incarcerated and imprisoned parents and primary caregivers.
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Going Hungry? The Human Right to Food in the UK
30/Oct/2014 Publication
This report analyses state action and assesses the UK’s compliance with the duty to secure the human right to adequate food.
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MODERN SLAVERY: Tamil Nadu’s exploited garment workers need help from British justice
29/Oct/2014 News
Report highlights conditions of modern slavery in Indian mills, and that the abused workers should have recourse to UK courts.
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Orphanage Trafficking and Orphanage Voluntourism
29/Oct/2014 Publication
NGN has prepared a briefing paper addressing the issue of orphanage trafficking and orphanage voluntourism.
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AFGHANISTAN: Prison sentence for religious teacher who raped girl
28/Oct/2014 News
A mullah who raped a 10-year-old girl in his mosque in Afghanistan has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.
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MIGRATION: Migrant detention "abuse" can scar children for life
27/Oct/2014 News
Increasing number of migrant children are being detained in countries where they are seeking asylum despite scientific evidence that such incarceration leads to long-term psychological and developmental difficulties.
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