Article 37: Torture and deprivation of liberty

Submission to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the human rights implications of over-incarceration and overcrowding of prisons
29/Apr/2015 Publication
CRIN has collected worrying evidence that a growing number of States in all regions, far from fulfilling their legal...
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HEALTH: Babies feel pain 'like adults', first infant MRI study suggests
21/Apr/2015 News
The majority of babies who undergo painful procedures do not receive pain relief medication during surgery. The practice is based on the belief that babies’ brains are not developed enough for them to really feel pain. But this latest study suggests that babies are more sensitive to pain than adults. 
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PAKISTAN: Court allows challenge to execution of man convicted as juvenile
17/Apr/2015 News
The Islamabad High Court has today said it will hear the first significant legal challenge to the execution of Shafqat Hussain who was convicted as a juvenile.
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DEATH PENALTY: Submission to the report of the Secretary General on the question of the death penalty
17/Apr/2015 Publication
Our research indicates that in 16 countries, capital punishment for children remains on the statute books or is carried out despite being prohibited.
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PAKISTAN: Government investigators hide death-row man’s records
14/Apr/2015 News
Pakistani government investigators have confiscated and tampered with evidence relating to the case of Shafqat Hussain, whose recent stay of execution is due to expire this week.
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