Article 35: Sale, trafficking and abduction

NEPAL: Country struggles to contain human trafficking problem
9/May/2013 News
Summary: As trafficking laws go unenforced, Nepalese women and children are being coerced into the sex and construction...
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UE : Plus de 23 000 esclaves vivent et travaillent en Europe
6/May/2013 News
Summary: Les Etats de l'Union doivent mettre en oeuvre sans tarder la législation européenne concernant la lutte contre le...
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UNITED STATES: Progress required to tackle adverse impacts of business, say UN experts
2/May/2013 News
Summary: The United States still faces significant challenges to address the adverse impacts of business activities on...
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KYRGYZSTAN: Vulnerable children still at risk of exploitation, says UN expert
30/Apr/2013 News
Summary: “The full extent of the sale and sexual exploitation of children in the Kyrgyz Republic remains unknown, due to...
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UNITED KINGDOM: Human trafficking victims tell of drug factory ordeal
9/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Call to protect those forced into crime after being held prisoner on UK cannabis farms...
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EGYPT: How radical rulers crush the lives and hopes of girls
3/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Women stood shoulder to shoulder with men in Tahrir Square in 2011. Now they are back on the streets, opposing a...
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INDIA: Government bans all forms of child labour
22/Mar/2013 News
Summary: Child Rights activists across India have hailed the Parliament of India for passing a landmark law against...
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CROATIA: Persistent violations of children's rights
12/Mar/2013 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY: Time to turn decades of empty promises into concrete changes
11/Mar/2013 News
Summary: On 8 March, two key groups of independent experts within the United Nations Human Rights system urged world...
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