Article 19: Protection from abuse and neglect

BRAZIL: Lowering the age of criminal majority, and next steps for opposition movement
15/Jul/2015 News
Guest writer for CRIN, Henrique de Souza, from the Brazilian Bar Association, looks at the recently approved proposal to...
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UNITED STATES: Massachusetts' highest court defends corporal punishment as 'part of social fabric'
14/Jul/2015 News
The justicies said it's permissible to punish a child by spanking so long as "reasonable" force is used and the child is not harmed in a lasting way. Conversely, they also emphasised the child should be protected from abuse.
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BUSINESS: Obligations and actions on children's rights and business
14/Jul/2015 Publication
A practical guide for States on how to implement the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s General Comment...
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BRÉSIL : 28 enfants tués par jour
14/Jul/2015 News
Un rapport de l'Unicef évoque le contraste entre l'actuel débat pour abaisser l'âge de la majorité pénale de 18 à 16 ans, et les 10.500 homicides de mineurs enregistrés en 2013.
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UNITED STATES: Judge orders children to juvenile detention for refusing to see their father
9/Jul/2015 News
Three siblings were held in contempt of court for refusing an order by a judge to have lunch with their father, and were ordered to a juvenile detention facility until they turn 18 years old. The children are aged 14, 10 and 9, respectively. 
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UN: Denial of Genocide - Srebrenica 20 Years On
9/Jul/2015 News
Security Council Resolution fails to condemn the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica a "crime of genocide."
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CHÂTIMENTS CORPORELS : Bulletin Afrique n°19
7/Jul/2015 Publication
Le nouveau bulletin consacré à l'Afrique de l'initiative globale pour mettre fin aux châtiments corporels sur les enfants revient sur les récents développements, les campagnes en cours et l'actualité des droits de l'homme.
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CHILD ABUSE: French troops suspended over Burkina Faso abuse allegations
2/Jul/2015 News
Allegations include abuse of five-year-old girl, police say, and follow alleged sex abuse scandal involving French troops in Central African Republic
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UNICEF: 'Progress for Children Beyond Averages - Learning from the MDGs'
30/Jun/2015 Publication
This eleventh edition of Progress for Children is UNICEF’s final report on the child-related Millennium Development Goals ...
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BULLYING: Fifth edition of the WWSF violence prevention kit
30/Jun/2015 Publication
The Fifth edition of the WWSF Prevention Kit - our annual Call to Action....
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