Article 1: Definition of a child

SYRIA: Child marriage on rise among refugees, report aid groups
12/Apr/2013 News
Summary: The desperate plight of refugees fleeing Syria’s civil war is forcing some parents to marry off their daughters...
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OPT: Israeli troops shoot dead two Palestinian youths in West Bank
4/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Youths aged 17 and 18 killed as confrontations enter a third day following the death of a Palestinian prisoner in...
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SAUDI ARABIA: Paralysis sentence 'grotesque', says UK Foreign Office
4/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Punishment handed down to Ali al-Khawahir for stabbing he committed aged 14 must not be carried out, urge British...
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JUVENILE JUSTICE: Fact sheet - Justice for Children
3/Apr/2013 Publication
Summary: The first “Factsheet on Justice for Children” by the Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice (IPJJ) has been...
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EGYPT: How radical rulers crush the lives and hopes of girls
3/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Women stood shoulder to shoulder with men in Tahrir Square in 2011. Now they are back on the streets, opposing a...
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RUSSIA: Are efforts to help thousands of 'abandoned' children being resisted?
3/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Ambitious plans to reduce the number of orphans in Russia are running into strong institutional resistance, child...
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SYRIA: Child Soldiers, Syria and the growing possibility of an ICC referral
27/Mar/2013 News
Summary: Three reports on Syria released last week are bringing yet another element to the country’s new status as the...
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