
SOMALIA: Children shoe-shine in a war zone
18/Apr/2011 News
Summary: Street children forced to shoe-shine for a living, face the constant risk of being killed in cross fire, but are...
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SOMALIA: Provision of health services hampered by ongoing fighting
8/Apr/2011 News
Summary: Up to 30 children suffering from acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) are treated daily at the Banadir Hospital in...
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SOMALIA: Recruitment of child soldiers on the increase
5/Apr/2011 News
Summary: The exact number of child soldiers is unknown, but there are between 2,000 and 3,000 children suspected of being...
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SOMALIA: Inhuman sentencing of children
4/Apr/2011 Publication
Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in Somalia, where children may be lawfully sentenced...
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KENYA-SOMALIE: Les enfants des camps de Dadaab ont soif d’apprendre
4/Apr/2011 News
Summary: L’éducation est un luxe que ne peut se permettre la majeure partie des 90 739 enfants qui vivent dans le plus...
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SOMALIE: Le recrutement d’enfants soldats, une pratique de plus en plus courante
4/Apr/2011 News
Summary: Face à l’escalade de violence observée dans l’ensemble de la Somalie depuis le mois de janvier, les groupes armés...
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SOMALIE: La crise en chiffres
9/Mar/2011 News
Summary: La population en Somalie s’élève à 7,5 millions de personnes ; parmi lesquelles 2,4 millions de personnes ont...
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SOMALIA: 20 years thirst for drop of peace
2/Mar/2011 News
Summary: Twenty years of the armed conflict in Somalia have taken massive toll on the people who are victimized by...
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HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: Global Report 2010
26/Jan/2011 Publication
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