
Comité ONU expresa preocupación por situación de niñez en Perú
9/Feb/2006 News
El Comité de Derechos del Niño de las Naciones Unidas, instancia que examina el cumplimiento de la Convención...
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Entrevista con niños y adolescentes trabajadores de Perú en el Comité de los Derechos del Niño
8/Feb/2006 News
Entrevista con niños y adolescentes trabajadores de Perú en el Comité de los Derechos del Niño que vinieron a Ginebra para...
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State Party Examination of Peru’s Third Periodic Report
7/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: On Thursday 12 January, the Commitee examined Peru's 3rd periodic report. This summary highlights the main issues...
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CRINMAIL 743: Special Edition on the 41st Session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
7/Feb/2006 News
Summary: This special edition on the 41st session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (9-27 January 2006) provides...
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Committee on the Rights of the Child opens its 41st session
7/Feb/2006 News
Summary: The Committee on the Rights of the Child this morning opened its forty-first session by hearing an address by...
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Committee on the Rights of the Child concludes 41st session
7/Feb/2006 News
Summary: The Committee issued Conclusions on Reports of Peru, Ghana, Liechtenstein, Trinidad and Tobago, Hungary,...
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2/Feb/2006 News
Summary: NACLA provides policy makers, analysts, academics, organizers, journalists and religious and community groups...
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Peru: Millones de niños trabajan en condiciones riesgosas
2/Feb/2006 News
Summary: La presidenta del Grupo de Iniciativa Nacional por los Derechos del Niño, Doris Portocarrero, aseguró que en Perú...
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Committee on the Rights of the Child: 41st session
Mon, 09/01/2006 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The Committee on the Rights of the Child will examine reports from Azerbaijan, Ghana, Hungary, Lithuania,...
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Peruvian children attend the 41st CRC session - interview
2/Feb/2006 News
Summary: A group of Peruvian children and young people attended the 41st session of the Committee on the Rights of the...
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