
Second Special Session of the Human Rights Council to consider human rights violations by Israel in Lebanon
9/Aug/2006 News
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights presents its compliments to all Permanent Missions in...
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Toll of a war that shames the world
8/Aug/2006 News
Summary: It is 28 days since Hizbollah captured two Israeli soldiers, prompting a ground and air assault on Lebanon by the...
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Declaración sobre el Medio Oriente por el Comite de los Derechos del Niño
7/Aug/2006 News
La siguiente declaración fue emitida hoy por el Comité de los Derechos del Niño de Naciones Unidas:...
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Statement on the Middle East by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
7/Aug/2006 News
The following statement was issued on Thursday by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child:...
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Proche-Orient: la violence d'Israël renforce le Hezbollah
1/Aug/2006 News
Summary: Les bombardements de Cana du dimanche 30 juillet sont les plus meurtriers perpétrés par l'armée israélienne...
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Proche-Orient: Quarante-huit heures ne suffiront pas alors que se poursuivent les crimes de guerre
1/Aug/2006 News
[BRUXELLES, 31 juillet 2006] - L’attaque dévastatrice sur Cana fait apparaître clairement qu’un cessez-le-feu total et...
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Lebanon: UN Council 'shocked' by Qana raid, in which over 30 children died
1/Aug/2006 News
Summary: The UN Security Council has expressed its "shock and distress" at an Israeli attack in which 54 Lebanese...
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