
Concern over rising violence in Haiti
12/Jul/2006 News
Summary: The Special Representative of the Secretary General in Haiti and UNICEF Representative express their concern with...
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Protecting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Inter-American Human Rights System: A Manual on Presenting Claims
27/Jun/2006 Publication
Summary: This manual is a practical, hands-on guide to the procedures and substantive case law of the inter-American human...
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Annual Report 2004 of the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights
27/Jun/2006 Publication
Summary: The 2004 Annual Report contains chapters on the following: legal bases and activities of the Commission, petition...
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National Coalition for Haitian Rights
7/Jun/2006 Organisation
The National Coalition for Haitian Rights seeks to champion the rights of Haitians in Haiti and within the Haitian...
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Keeping the Promise? A study of progress made in implementing the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS in seven countries
1/Jun/2006 Publication
Summary: Five years ago UN member states agreed to a landmark Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS to halt and reverse...
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Child Alert: Haiti
22/Mar/2006 Publication
Summary: Child Alert is a briefing series that presents the core challenges for children in a given crisis location at a...
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Haiti: Elections offer hope but children struggle daily
14/Feb/2006 News
Summary: Political Instability, chronic poverty and lack of protection are just some of the challenges facing children in...
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Fondation Limye Lavi
6/Feb/2006 Organisation
Limye Lavi oeuvre dans divers activites telles l'education alternative, la lutte contre la domesticite des enfants, l...
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