
FRANCE: Torturous practice against children with autism spectrum disorder
23/Feb/2012 News
Summary: The practice of “packing therapy" involves wrapping a child in a cold, wet sheet or towel and leaving the child...
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FRANCE : Pétition contre l’enfermement des enfants de sans-papiers
8/Feb/2012 News
Summary: Le Réseau éducation sans frontières (RESF) et l'Observatoire de l'enfermement des étrangers (OEE) ont lancé une...
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FRANCE: Abusive Identity Checks of Minority Youth
3/Feb/2012 Publication
Summary: French police are using overly broad powers to conduct unwarranted and abusive identity checks on black and Arab...
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FRANCE : Des contrôles d’identité abusifs visent les jeunes issus des minorités
3/Feb/2012 Publication
Summary: La police française utilise certains pouvoirs trop étendus dont elle est investie pour procéder à des contrôles d...
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FRANCE: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
31/Jan/2012 Publication
Summary: A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the first Universal...
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