
Children share their grief over destruction from Ecuador's volcano
31/Aug/2006 News
Thousands of children and families were displaced when Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano erupted this month. Rivers of molten...
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Guías y Manuales Juveniles
11/Aug/2006 Publication
Summary: El Portal de Juventud para América Latina y el Caribe ofrece acceso a veintinueve manuales en diversas temáticas...
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Protecting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Inter-American Human Rights System: A Manual on Presenting Claims
27/Jun/2006 Publication
Summary: This manual is a practical, hands-on guide to the procedures and substantive case law of the inter-American human...
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Annual Report 2004 of the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights
27/Jun/2006 Publication
Summary: The 2004 Annual Report contains chapters on the following: legal bases and activities of the Commission, petition...
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WTO Regional Seminar on Ethics in Tourism
Thu, 29/06/2006 - 00:00 Event
The First UNWTO Regional Seminar on Ethics in Tourism will be held in Quito, Ecuador, on 29-30 June 2006, in connection...
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Centro Interamericano contra la Desaparición, Explotación, Trata y Tráfico (CIDETT)
7/Apr/2006 Organisation
To analyse, coordinate and develop regional initiatives in order to reduce the problem of Exploitation and Trafficking,...
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2/Feb/2006 News
Summary: NACLA provides policy makers, analysts, academics, organizers, journalists and religious and community groups...
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MEJICO: Diputada exige penalizar facetas del comercio sexual infantil (26 de noviembre del 2005)
28/Nov/2005 News
Summary: La diputada perredista Angélica de la Peña Gómez se manifestó por definir en la legislación nuevos tipos penales...
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Child Helpline International
11/Nov/2005 Organisation
Child Helpline International is charged with establishing and strengthening a world wide network of child helplines with...
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